Mastiff by Tamora Pierce
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Ok, I admit, I am going to be a bit too hard on this book. The problem is, I have read a lot of Tamora Pierce's books and I keep coming back for more. The books hook me in. I am interested in the characters and their interactions. It is an absorbing universe.
So, I enjoyed this book tremendously - until the end. Suffice it to say that the twist in the ending just didn't ring true to me. This is the third book about these characters and the case for the twist didn't seem strong enough to justify the action. It isn't that this book was bad - it was still absorbing enough that I even read it while waiting in the doctor's office - but the ending just didn't convince me.
My recommendation: don't let this be the first Tamora Pierce book that you read - for a lot of reasons. This is the third book in this particular series, but it is not the third book in the whole saga. Some of the other series are stronger and have more satisfyingly strong endings.
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