The War I Finally Won by
Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
While this is a good sequel to The War that Saved My Life, it was a bit less gripping for me. Ada's continued anxiety about her relationship to her mother and her difficulties in coming to terms with everyone got just a tad tedious for me after a while. And, sadly, I am not a horse person, so that part didn't move me either. Nevertheless, it is a good book, both about family relationships and about WWII. The characters are interesting an, for the most part, well developed. And, it doesn't shy away from the truth about relationships.
I still am thinking that Susan's relationship with Becky hints at a lesbian relationship, but it is never explicitly stated as such - just that they were good friends. In that era, my guess is that they would have described it as such.
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