Pack of Dorks by
Beth Vrabel My rating:
4 of 5 stars Coming on the heels of the book I read yesterday[b:Wildlife|22907574|Wildlife|Fiona Wood||18984490], this book seemed like deja vu. The themes of self-discovery, mean-girl "best friend", and finding a group of real friends were very similar. This book was written for a younger audience, though, so even though it starts out with an ill-considered kiss, that is the end of the sexual exploits. Also due to its younger audience, the book doesn't have the character depth of the previous one. The comparison is a bit unfair to Pack of Dorks, though, because it is actually a good story - and quite appropriate for the target age. Wildlife is definitely the more sophisticated, nuanced book, but it should be, since the audience is more mature readers.
One thing that was especially interesting to me was the inclusion of insight into the main character's own flaws. Rather that just pointing out the errors of other people's ways, she also acknowledges her own. Nice.
Minor gripe: I wish the author had managed to correct the MC's mistake in calling an epiphany a "litany".
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