Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Review: The Center of Everything

The Center of Everything
The Center of Everything by Linda Urban

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I sure wish I like this one better. The characters are interesting and the idea has potential, but it is just too slow and too lyrical for me. And you can discount this review, because I read only the first half of the book and then skimmed the rest. I am sorry.

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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Review: Almost Home

Almost Home
Almost Home by Joan Bauer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Joan Bauer's books have a certain homey-ness to them that is not common in many contemporary books. There are no vampires or zombies, no wizards or monsters, no murders or threats to blow up the world - just people living everyday lives with everyday problems. Well, in this case, it is the problem of what homelessness does to people, which, in my case, being a privileged person, has never happened to me. But the point is, it could. Some times the distance between privilege and poverty is less than we think. Sugar's and Reba's problems are more severe than I have ever had to deal with, but the fact that they seem so realistic and possible lends strength to the story. You have to admire the courage and the honesty of not just the main characters in the story, but also the lesser players.

A very worthwhile read.

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