When I Wore My Sailor Suit by Uri Shulevitz
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I know I should probably like this better than 3 stars, but I didn't, actually. The problem is that the book started out as though it was going to be a grand adventure and then it seemingly, rather abruptly switched into an explanation of a childhood fear and how it was eventually overcome. It makes sense and the idea is good, but felt like two different books to me. The adventure part seemed like something fun, that was horribly interrupted by the childhood fear part - which is probably the intention of the author. As an adult thing, it works, but, from a child's perspective, I am not sure it would. I get the sense that kids would feel that part of the story was missing - the enjoyment of the adventure. But, perhaps, I underestimate young children. It would be interesting to me to hear what children think about the story.
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